Element offers a full suite of mechanical testing services for metallic and nonmetallic materials, 以及零部件和特种产品. Whether it's ensuring compliance with a specific standard or a customized testing program, 我们的专家提供准确的, reliable, 并根据您的项目需求定制快速结果. 



Mechanical testing, or destructive testing, is vital in R&D, ensuring materials meet safety standards for their intended use. Engineers rely on it to evaluate key properties like strength, toughness, ductility, and stiffness. im体育APP提供了广泛的测试, from abrasion resistance to specialized ones like Charpy impact, creep, 疲劳测试. 

我们的专家运用可控的力量, 模拟现实世界的情况——紧张, compression, bending, 剪切-保证材料安全, reliable, 以达到最佳效果. Choose Element for precise assessments that enhance the quality and reliability of your materials.


Key Benefits of Partnering with Element for 机械测试服务

  • 快速结果为您的紧迫的时间安排: Time constraints on projects can be a significant challenge. Receive fast results and achieve your project timelines with Element’s full suite of mechanical testing services – all your requirements, 来自一个测试供应商.
  • 通过专家材料测试确保合规: Meeting industry standards and regulatory requirements is crucial. Element experts guide you to meet quality standards and strict regulatory requirements for a wide range of industries including Aerospace, Defense, Automotive, Construction, Energy, Medical Devices, and Transportation.
  • 提高准确度和精度: Our focus is on accuracy and precision in mechanical testing because assuring the reliability of your materials contributes to seamless and efficient operations. 我们保证可靠性, strength, 以及许多im体育平台app下载部件的耐用性, 包括制造业, Automotive, 建设冶金, 消费电子产品, and Transportation.
  • 材料完整性创新解决方案: Understanding the limits of your material is vital in determining its integrity and useful lifespan. Our cutting-edge mechanical testing methods push materials to failure, providing innovative solutions for optimal material integrity and lifespan assessment.
  • Unveiling the Complexities of your Non-metallic Materials: Non-metallic materials often exhibit complex and time-dependent mechanical behavior, 如粘弹性和蠕变, 哪些需要专门的测试方法. We evaluate composites, polymers, ceramics, elastomers, vinyl, textiles, and more, 提供对力量的洞察, flexibility, and fatigue.
  • Testing your Materials' Resilience in Diverse Conditions: Element conducts mechanical testing under specific environmental conditions, 比如极端的温度或湿度. This will help you understand your material behavior in harsh conditions and assess its resistance to environmental factors. 
  • 整体材料分析: 机械性能之外, our comprehensive material analysis includes chemical composition, microstructure, 耐蚀性, and more, 提供对材料的整体理解.


John Tartaglia

Dr John M. Tartaglia


Lee Mangham - Element Sheffield

Lee Mangham



“Really good service with quality in testing, reporting and co-ordinating”

Prashanth P Patil



We prioritize safety as your foremost concern when testing materials and components. 施加机械力, often in extreme conditions to meet the standards required, can be dangerous; why risk the safety of yourself and your team, when Element’s experts are equipped to handle all your testing needs? With our expertise across some of the world’s most vital industries, we conduct stringent testing for materials used in the most critical applications where safety is non-negotiable.


Specialized Methods and Tailored Solutions for Your Unique Needs

Element’s wide variety of specialized methods and custom mechanical testing applications goes beyond just meeting standard requirements. From multi-axial loading and cryogenic testing to high-temperature testing, 超大部件测试, 我们的专家创建定制的测试程序, 根据您独特的材料评估量身定制. 这些包括但不限于:

  • Multi-axial loading (static and dynamic, 券级和组件级)
  • Tension, compression, shear, 和扭转载荷(静态和动态), 券级和组件级)
  • Cryogenic testing
  • 高达1400°C的高温测试
  • 定制的疲劳测试和分析
  • 旋转梁疲劳试验


  • 金属对金属(MoM)
  • 金属对塑料(MoP)
  • Fabrics
  • Taber Abrasion
  • 手指触摸磨损模拟(RCA磨损) 


  • 大排量(最大48英寸)
  • 高负载(高达300,000磅.)
  • 零下和高温环境
  • 温度/湿度室
  • 自定义加载配置文件/波形
  • 定制生成的NDE认证券


Your One-stop Solution with our full Suite of 机械测试服务

  • 耐磨性试验
  • Modulus of rupture
  • 粘接强度试验
  • 弹性模量
  • Bend testing
  • 包装密封破裂强度试验
  • 粘结强度试验
  • Peel strength testing
  • 布氏硬度试验
  • Pressure testing
  • Brittleness testing
  • 抗穿刺测试
  • R-Value testing
  • 化学成分 
  • 折弯和折弯测试
  • 摩擦系数 
  • 压缩测试
  • 洛氏硬度试验
  • Creep testing
  • Ductility testing
  • Strain gaging
  • Elongation testing
  • 应力/应变曲线分析
  • Expansion testing 
  • 撕裂强度试验
  • 紧固件夹持试验
  • 扭力/扭矩测试
  • 弯曲强度试验
  • 维氏硬度试验
  • Wear testing
  • 焊缝力学试验
  • 前偏斜 
  • Weld shear testing


Why Choose Element? 

拥有最全面的 材料测试服务 在测试中可用, 检验及认证(TIC)部门, Element is the world leader in the provision of high-volume routine mechanical testing services.

我们的全球网络遍布美国各地的实验室, UK, Europe, Middle East, and Asia offering NADCAP and ISO 17025-accredited mechanical testing services. 

With extensive experience supporting critical industries globally, 我们甚至处理最具挑战性的项目, 不管材料是什么. 

To learn more about Element's credentials, please visit our About Us page. For more information about our mechanical/destructive testing services, 今天就联系专家.

Element provides mechanical testing to many common industries standards, 包括下面所示的, 以及定制规格. 

Bend Testing:
  • API 1104
  • ASME Section IX
  • ASTM A370
  • ASTM A619
  • ASTM E190
  • ASTM E290
  • AWS D1.1
  • BS 4449
  • ISO 5173
  • ISO 7438
Charpy/Izod Impact:
  • ASTM A370
  • ASTM A923
  • ASTM D256
  • ASTM D746
  • ASTM D1822
  • ASTM D4812
  • ASTM E23
  • ISO 148
  • ISO 9016
Fatigue Testing:
  • ASTM D3479
  • ASTM D4482
  • ASTM D5528
  • ASTM D6873
  • ASTM D7905
  • ASTM E466
  • ASTM E606
  • ASTM E647
  • ASTM F1160
  • ASTM F1800
  • ISO 1143
Fracture Toughness: 
  • ASTM B645
  • ASTM B646
  • ASTM D5528
  • ASTM D7905
  • ASTM E370
  • ASTM E399
  • ASTM E1290
  • BS 7448
  • EN 6033
  • EN 6034
Shear Testing: 
  • ASTM A370
  • ASTM B769
  • ASTM C273
  • ASTM D3163
  • ASTM D3518
  • ASTM D5379
  • ASTM D5868
  • ASTM D7078
  • ASTM E23
  • ASTM F606
  • SACMA SRM 7 
Tensile Testing: 
  • ASTM A370
  • ASTM A615
  • ASTM C297
  • ASTM D638
  • ASTM D3039
  • ASTM E21
  • ASTM E345
  • ASTM E517
  • ASTM E646
  • ASTM E8
  • ASTM F606
  • BS EN 6892-1
  • ISO 6892
  • ISO 898
  • ISO 8496
  • NASM 1312
  • SAE J1216
  • SAE J429
Torque Testing: 
  • ASME B18
  • ASTM F606
  • IFI 101
  • MIL-DTL-18240
  • MIL-F-18240
  • NASM 1312
  • NASM 25027
  • Metals & Metals Product
  • Composites
  • Plastics/Polymers
  • Rubber/Elastomers
  • Vinyls
  • Textiles
  • 有机和非有机化合物
  • Building Materials
  • Medical Devices
  • Consumer Products

Mechanical testing of steel for use within concrete structures:

  • Reinforcing Steel
  • 焊接钢织物
  • Prestressing Steel
  • 机械耦合器
  • Structural Steel
  • Bolts & Nuts

What is Mechanical Testing and why is it Important throughout the Product Lifecycle?

Find out about what mechanical testing is and how it plays a key role in ensuring a cost-effective design as well as technological evolution and superiority.



Although mechanical testing is just one part of bringing a medical device to market, 这是一个重要的问题. Understand how to get success the first time around when deciding on a mechanical testing partner.



破坏性的测试, 也称为机械测试, subjects a material to different loads and stresses to evaluate its strength and durability. Read the article to learn about the different methods used for destructive testing. 


Our team of over 9,在北美聘用了000名专家, Europe, The Middle East, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.